From A Company You Can Trust
From A Company You Can Trust
We professionally manufacture instrument valves and fittings, including tube fittings, pipe fittings, weld fittings, needle valves, instrument ball valves, check valves, relief valves, valve manifolds and so on.widely used in many fluid system for industries of oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, power, shipbuilding, machinery, analytical instrumentation and etc.Sweden Tornos, Japanese LG Mazak machines and Mazak machining center, Mitutoyo surface roughness tester, English X-MET5000 spectrometer, Rockwell hardness tester, and introduced foreign advanced pressure testing machines which whole testing process is computer-controlled.
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What is the minimum quantity I can order?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.
Do you offer product mock before actual production?
You can get a quick price quote within a few minutes if you are on live chat with one of our sales representatives and a standard price quote takes just 30-45 minutes and you will have an official price quote in your inbox.